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Writer's pictureThe Random Fortuneteller

Crystal Cleansing with Water

Cleansing crystals with water is a simple and effective way to remove any negative energy or vibrations that may have accumulated on the crystal. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Choose the right crystals: Not all crystals can be cleansed with water. Some crystals are water-soluble and may dissolve or be damaged if submerged in water. Examples of crystals that should not be cleansed with water include Selenite, Halite, Calcite, and any other crystal that is soft or porous. Crystals that are safe to cleanse with water include Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, and most types of Agate.

  2. Find a clean bowl or container: Choose a clean bowl or container that is big enough to hold the crystal(s) you want to cleanse. You can use any type of bowl or container as long as it is clean and has not been used for any other purpose.

  3. Fill the bowl with water: Use room temperature water and fill the bowl until the water level is high enough to cover the crystal(s). Spring water is preferred but you can use tap water or distilled water if it is not readily available.

  4. Add salt (optional): You can add a pinch of sea salt or Himalayan salt to the water to enhance the cleansing process. The salt will help to neutralize any negative energy on the crystals.

  5. Place the crystal(s) in the water: Gently place the crystal(s) in the water and make sure they are completely submerged. You can leave them in the water for several hours or overnight, depending on how much cleansing you feel is necessary.

  6. Rinse and dry the crystals: After the crystals have been in the water for the desired amount of time, remove them from the water and rinse them thoroughly with fresh water to remove any salt or debris. Pat them dry with a soft cloth or let them air-dry.

It's important to note that while some crystals can be cleansed with water, it's always best to research a crystal's properties and characteristics before attempting to cleanse it with water or any other method. This will help ensure that the crystal remains safe and intact, and that its energy and properties are not affected by the cleansing process. Some crystals like Citrine may be safe for water cleansing but they may also be damaged or discolored if left in water for too long.

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